Computer network back online


It’s back to business as usual at Chadron State College as far as its computer network is concerned.

Ann Burk, CSC director of information technology, issued an e-mail to CSC employees at 8 p.m. Tuesday to notify them that all essential network services had become restored. Access to the Internet began working late Tuesday morning, restoring on campus access to the Sakai course delivery system.  E-mail services and access to the CSC web site were restored by late Tuesday afternoon. The network had been down since early Sunday.

Dr. Janie Park, Chadron State College president, commended the IT staff for its hard work in restoring the services and expressed gratitude to the students and employees for their patience during the outage.

The outage is believed to have been caused by an electrical problem that damaged firewall hardware. Burk said the network is running on backup infrastructure and that notice will be given before Internet access is interrupted to replace the failed device.

While Sakai remained active throughout the outage, some users experienced problems while logging in. In addition, students in the residence halls were without Internet access. Burk said users are being asked to use their backup passwords for Sakai until further notice. She said employees having Sakai log in problems may contact Malinda Linegar (mlinegar@growwithcards.comor 308-432-6311) or Elizabeth Ledbetter (eledbetter@growwithcards.comor 308-432-6273). Students may phone the Sakai helpdesk number, 1-877-722-6131.

-Justin Haag

Category: Campus News