1,595 coming for Scholastic Contest


A total of 1,595 high school students from 50 high schools have registered to take exams during the 51st Scholastic Contest at Chadron State College on Friday, April 1.

The CSC contest, which is one of the oldest and largest of its kind in the Midwest, attracts the region’s top students. Each of the students will compete in one or more of about 50 exams that are being administered by CSC faculty members. The tests will begin at 8:30 a.m.

New to the schedule are exams for personal finance and writing. The latter, titled “Flash Fiction,” challenges aspiring authors to compose a short story.

Medals will be awarded to the top three individuals in each test. Seniors who win first in a test will receive a Scholastic Achievement Award, which will cover the in-state tuition to attend Chadron State for one year. Schools accumulating the most points in each of the five divisions will receive plaques. Results of the contest will be posted to 4to.growwithcards.com/scholastic throughout the day.


A wide variety of activities have been scheduled to keep the students occupied while not taking tests. Adding to the busy scene in the Student Center this year will be a booth in which students can have souvenir photos taken with their friends.

Following are the schools that have registered:

Ainsworth, Alliance, Anselmo-Merna, Arthur County at Arthur, Banner County at Harrisburg, Bayard, Bennett County at Martin (S.D.), Bridgeport, Chadron, Cody-Kilgore, Crawford, Creek Valley at Lodgepole, Douglas (S.D.), Edgemont, Garden County at Oshkosh, Gering, Gordon-Rushville, Hay Springs, Hemingford, Hot Springs (S.D.), Hyannis, Kimball, Leyton at Dalton, Lingle-Fort Laramie, Mitchell, Morrill, Mullen, Niobrara County at Lusk (Wyo.), O'Neill, Ogallala, Perkins County at Grant, Pine Ridge Job Corps, Potter-Dix, Rapid City Central (S.D.), Rapid City Christian (S.D.), Rock County at Bassett, Saint Francis Indian School (S.D.), Scottsbluff, Sidney, Sioux County at Harrison, St. Thomas More at Rapid City (S.D.), Stevens at Rapid City (S.D.), Stuart, Sturgis-Brown (S.D.), Thedford, Upton (Wyo.), Valentine, Wall, West Holt at Atkinson, Wright (Wyo.)

-College Relations

Category: Campus News